Beset by Evil - Surrounded by a Demonic Presence in the Kitchen

2 months ago

Once again, the Entity takes advantage of Kayleigh being home alone to torment and surround her by evil.

Kayleigh had been hearing noises throughout the house for some time. She had come downstairs as she didn't like being alone upstairs in her room.

She then started hearing strange mumbling sounds coming from the downstairs bathroom. As she approached, the noises stopped, only for another sound to happen behind her. It sounded like something hitting the living room hard floor.

She then investigates this, as the floor comes into view, a toy monkey slides out of nowhere across the middle of the floor. The monkey should be on a shelf in another room.

She loses her nerve and nopes it for a few minutes. She then builds up the courage to approach the monkey on the floor. She believes it has subtlety moved posture from when she last saw it.

All of a sudden, the monkey looks up and seemingly uses it's legs to leap forwards into the air! It's so bizarre to watch!! The monkey looks like it's alive!

The monkey actually hits Kays on her right shoulder and bounces off her back into the living room.

After gathering herself, she picks the monkey up and sits it down on the kitchen counter. Before she can do anything else, the mumbling sound returns from the bathroom. Kays has now had enough! She approaches the bathroom and kicks the door open, shouting at the Entity to "GO AWAY".

However, in one last twist from the Entity, Kays hears scraping sounds behind her. She she turns around she can see black clawed fingers scrabbling out of the ceiling in the corner of the kitchen! This shocks Kays. They disappear.

Kays then approaches the hole in the corner of the kitchen ceiling and the clawed fingers shoot out with one last scrabbling effort before disappearing.

At this point Kayleigh stopped filming and reacting to the Entity and just sat on the sofa, ignored everything else, and waited for family to come home.

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