The GREAT RESET is NOT What You Think It Is

10 days ago

The GREAT RESET is NOT What You Think It Is
You'll own nothing and be happy!
The Great Reset or Agenda 2030 is a project by the World Economic Forum to reshape the world into a cashless civilization, abolition of private property worldwide, "net zero carbon emissions" all in the name of "protecting the environment".

But in reality is one of the biggest hypocrisies of all time, since all the billionaires from every mega corporation that is funding the World Economic Forum are travelling every year to Davos and everywhere they like with their private jets emitting more carbon than most small countries.

The World Economic Forum is the brainchild of Klaus Schwab an out of touch billionaire whom never owned a successful business in his whole life, however he likes to be known as a "businessman", when in reality he is a man-child, out of touch with reality snob, re*ard.

You will live in the pod, eat the bug and be happy!

Educational satire!

#thegreatreset #klausschwab #worldeconomicforum

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