Project Bluebeam

3 months ago

Project Bluebeam 👉 White Hats have reason to believe the packs of mysterious, SUV-size drones buzzing the skies of New Jersey may be Deep State “Holo-drones” that DARPA created for its sinister Project Bluebeam, which projects sophisticated holographic images in the air.

👆 Our source said that computer-drawn sketches of such a drone, which, in theory, could not only project holograms but also, via holographic emitters, render itself invisible or alter its appearance, were the foundation of Donaldson’s assumption.

“We’re talking Star Trek stuff. We might not have transporters yet, but complex holography is a reality, it seems. As Donaldson tells it, the drone, for example, can project something as large as a 747 or even the moon or hide itself inside a wisp of holographic clouds. What Donaldson says, and he’s had no access to current events, does somewhat match up with the sightings,” our source said.

Mass sightings of swarms of drones have occurred above the skies of New Jersey and other Northeast states over the last month. Skygazers have observed said drones performing non-ballistic aerial acrobatics—rapid ascents and descents and instantaneous 90-degree turns. Often, the drones have FAA-compliant lights, but spectators—including chase planes and helicopters—have seen the lights wink out and the drones vanish without a trace when approached or lengthily observed.

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