NOTES - Sharing the Gospel ENG Chinese Pinyin - Part 3A

2 months ago

NOTES - Sharing the Gospel in Mandarin Chinese with Pinyin - PART 3A
(John 3:16/Romans 5:8)
God loves you so much that he gave his only son, Jesus.
Shén ài nǐ, Tā gěi Tā de dúzǐ Yēsū.
神爱你, 祂给祂的独子耶稣. 一切信他的人不至灭亡, 反得永生 。
(John 3:16 / Yuēhàn fúyīn 3:16 / 约翰福音 3:16)
Shén 神 God
ài 爱 love
nǐ 你 you
tā 祂 He, Him (God) / tā 他 he, him / tā 她 she, her
gěi 给 to give
de 的 [used after a pronoun]
tā de 祂的 his
dú 独 only, sole
zǐ 子 son
Yēsū 耶稣 Jesus
All who believe in him will not perish but have eternal life.
Yīqiè xìn tā de rén bù zhì mièwáng, fǎn dé yǒngshēng.
一切信他的人不至灭亡, 反得永生 。
(John 3:16 / Yuēhàn fúyīn 3:16 / 约翰福音 3:16)
yīqiè 一切 all; everything
xìn 信 (verb) believe, trust
tā 祂 He, Him (God) / tā 他 he, him / tā 她 she, her
de 的 [used after a pronoun, used after a verb as an attribute]
rén 人 man, person, people, everybody
bù 不 no, not
zhì 至 to
miè 灭 destroy, wipe out, exterminate
wáng 亡 die, perish
mièwáng 灭亡 perish
bù zhì mièwáng 不至灭亡 not perish
fǎn 反 on the contrary
dé 得 get, gain, obtain
yǒng 永 perpetually, forever, always
shēng 生 existence, life
yǒngshēng 永生 eternal life
While we were still sinners, Jesus died for us
Zài wǒmen hái zuò zuìrén de shíhòu, Yēsū wèi wǒmen sǐ
(Romans 5:8 / Luómǎ shū 5:8 / 罗马书 5:8)
zài 在 [indicating position of a person or thing]
wǒ 我 I
men 们 [used after a personal pronoun or a noun to show plural number]
wǒmen 我们 we, us
hái 还 still
zuò 作 to take .. as, regard as
zuì 罪 (noun) sin, guilt, crime
rén 人 man, person
zuìrén 罪人 sinner
de 的 [used after a pronoun, used after a verb as an attribute]
shí 时 time, times, season
hòu 候 (the duration of) time, (a point of) time
shíhòu 时候 (noun) time
Yēsū 耶稣 Jesus
wèi 为 for
sǐ 死 die

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