Trump Musk KNOW CERN .. do YOU? yes YOU!..since 1954 they spent COUNTLESS $BILLIONS just for a joke?

2 months ago

I was born in 1958 .... IGNORANCE IS BLISS .....UP to YOU.... i guess

IF i were YOU...i would freaking listen to this..its right in YOUR face and you STILL can't see it

ChatGTP Explains Suppressed Technology (Pandora Podcast)

December 2024 CERN Scientists Claim They have Opened A Portal To Another big deal...

In the bowels of the earth, beneath the Franco-Swiss border, the colossal Large Hadron Collider roars. CERN's insane scientists have ALREADY unlocked the doors to an uncharted realm. Harnessing the immense power of the world's most formidable particle accelerator, they've pierced the curtain between dimensions, opening a portal that beckons us into the unknown. This monumental achievement, defying the boundaries of your understanding, propels humanity onto the precipice of a new frontier, a journey into the unimaginable depths of reality and the furthest reaches of our supernatural current simulation.
Founded in 1954, the CERN laboratory sits astride the Franco-Swiss border near Geneva. It was one of Europe's first joint ventures and now has 22 member states

Darious J Wright knows everything......almost

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