The Pyramid of Power – Chapter 6 – The Oilgarchy – Big Oil

18 days ago

This is Chapter 6 of a really great series by Derrick Broze who goes through the Pyramid of Power held & maintained by the ones behind the curtains - the International Cartel.

This one really shows the incredible wealth & power of the Rockefeller’s and how they took over the entire oil industry in the United States to quickly become multi-billionaires.

They then were ordered to dissolve their company “Standard Oil” but that really only helped them as Rockefeller owned 25% of each company formed and then later down the road they just bought up more competitors.

In 1880, Rockefeller controlled 90% of the oil business in the USA, it was mostly pipelines and making Kerosene.

Book #1 listed below is an incredible, well researched book by Ida M, Tarbell -- The History of the Standard Oil Company – this explains how the Rockefellers operated. Really good research.

Standard Oil received great deals with the Railroads while others had to pay much more. They ate up their competition and bought off politicians and had free reigns to do just about anything.

Once they had their stranglehold on the competition they rose their prices by 46%.

Other players in the oil game were the Rothschild and Nobel families. They started as oil tankers in the through the artificial, man-made Suez Canal – the two families, Rothschild and Nobel merged and in 1907 formed the company Royal Dutch Shell.

The Dutch Royal Families were in heavy on the deal.

The Royal British Family was in on the oil game also, controlling majority share of BP Petroleum.

This was the forming of an Oil Cartel.

The families conspired on how they could become even more powerful and wealthy and they came up with the idea of manufacturing crisis and wars.

A HUGE deal in the history of oil was when Henry Kissinger, a CFR member of the USA, helped establish a deal with Saudi Arabia – Oil in Exchange for Military Protection, guaranteeing Saudi Arabia that they would never be attacked by anyone and guaranteeing America all the oil they wanted.

This deal formed what is called the “Petrodollar.” Or petroleum dollar. This made the US Dollar the “Official Currency” for buying and selling oil, worldwide.

Peter Dale Scott, in his book “Drugs, Oil, and War” connects the dots between Oil, Wars and Drugs and how America since WWII has depended on manipulating the oil market and how the CIA established dirty deals with the oil cartel of Saudi Arabia.

John D. Rockefeller was the first Billionaire in America. Big oil pushed back against of the use of electricity.
Then gas powered vehicles came into the picture and that was HUGE for Big Oil.

They corn alcohol came into the scene, and they had a leg up against the gas powered vehicles. Rockefeller put a stop to this and then prohibition became a law and the alternative alcohol – was forced to add gas to make a blend.

Right now the Big Oil big boys are investing in “Climate Change Lobbying” – the true purpose of the agenda is unknown, as that would lower oil production.

Bill Gates, has been funding Geoengineering. Gates is in the oil business also as he took a financial interest in fossil fuel extraction. Gates is a major shareholder in Canadian National Railroads and is making big profits by shipping oil from Canada’s Tar Sands to market.

Environmentalists say that Tar Sand Extraction is the dirtiest in the business.

Microsoft has deals with Exon, Mobile, Shell, Chevron and BP – all while promoting “climate change” which is against big oil. Go figure.

The “Oilgarchy” has really never been about Oil – it’s always been about Money, Control and Power. Now they are shifting their attention to other technologies as well as unifying with the Agenda Goals to establish a One World Order – which includes goals of depopulation, crisis such as cyber attacks, blackouts, financial loss, famine, viral pandemics – and long-term to take the land and move the remaining peasants to the “smart cities” which are just prisons without bars.

The Oil Cartels – which include the Rockefeller’s and Royal Bloodlines are not voluntarily giving up their control, they are just adjusting their Investments according to the Agenda.

They are moving their investments toward Technocratic and AI – which includes a Transhuman Agenda. Elon Musk is quietly a Technocratic Front Man, all while promoting free speech, which is all double speak.

They are moving toward “Smart Grid” technologies which will just allow them to monitor more – this includes the Internet of Everything which just means everything is connected to the new AI Supercomputer Beast System.

So, theses Oilgarchs are NOT ditching oil, they are simply promoting all the “Climate Change” bullsh*t so they can move their oil investments into these technological areas all while not allowing New Oil Investors into the game.

It has NOTHING to do with the environment. It’s all a hoax.

These “New” investments will provide them with much MORE control that they had with the Petrodollar.

All the Carbon Budgeting, Sustainable Development Goals, Geoengineering are a hoax to influence people to comply and consent with their agenda.

They always make the people the main contributors to their demise in making them believe they are making the best decisions for humanity as a whole.

It’s all an illusion folks.

Wake Up!

Books to Read:

1. The History of the Standard Oil Company – Ida M. Tarbell --

2. Drugs, Oil, and War – Peter Dale Scott --

Source: The Conscious Resistance Network --

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END. 12/27/2024 3:00 PM

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