Magdeburg - Thousands Of Germans March Against Mass Immigration After Christmas Market Terror Attack

1 month ago

Posted • December 24, 2024: Usually, it's "Republicans seize," but since this incident took place in Germany, it's Europe's "far right" doing the seizing. As we reported last week, a Saudi Arabian national plowed his car into a crowded Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany, killing five people and injuring more than 200. People jumped to call the incident an act of Islamic terrorism, although we were assured that the man was not only an ex-Muslim. The Associated Press reported that German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said, "We can only say for sure that the perpetrator was evidently Islamophobic — we can confirm that." Sure, Jan. POLITICO is reporting that the European far-right has seized on the terrorist attack "to hammer immigration and Islam." -- POLITICOEurope @POLITICOEurope: “Europe’s far right has seized on Friday's Magdeburg attack to hammer migration and Islam.”

So, do we have any idea of the terrorist's motive yet? It's been several days. You dipshits do realize that the perpetrator of this horrific act of violence was carried out by a Saudi national who took advantage of a shoddy immigration process that shielded him from deportation, right? Are we supposed to believe a pro-immigration atheist rammed into a crowd of Christians? Wow, those right-wing radicals are a big problem, aren't they Politico Europe? They'll just pounce on every little thing as an excuse to say things you don't like. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Politico: Europe’s Far-Right 'Seizes' on Christmas Market Terror Attack

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