A Christmas Horror Story...

3 months ago

If I had the chance to ask AJ Lashbrook two questions…

I would ask:

Do you really think I’ve a paedophile who is sexually attracted to minors;
Do you really think I’ve downloaded and looked at child pornography.

Sadly, I strongly suspect that AJ Lashbrook would reply with a definitive “Yes,” to both of those questions.

It genuinely breaks my heart to think of someone who considers me a paedophile who downloads and views child pornography, but I’ve come to expect it from AJ Lashbrook, because that’s all he's been accusing me of for the last 6 to 7 years.

I’ve been called a proven nonce and proven paedophile by AJ Lashbrook, a false claim he’s spread throughout my neighbourhood, putting me in real and serious danger from neighbours who may believe him.

So when I heard Bleeding Heart refer to a newspaper article, alleging AJ’s dad was a convicted paedophile, of course I was going to check it out.

It reminds me of when I went live in a pub down in Brighton, on the day I heard Ross Broadstock had died.

It was later that I heard AJ boast to his mates during a YouTube live, that once he saw me I was live, he felt compelled to comment in the chat that I had been arrested for allegedly taking three teenage boys into the woods to have sex with.

That spoiled my night! But hey, AJ felt compelled. He felt it was his moral and civic duty to tell the pub that I was arrested for a hideous crime, but failing to mention that after a year of thorough and forensic investigation, the police found no evidence to back up the absurd and ridiculous allegations made by three teenage boys, famous at their school and in their neighbourhood for being lying, nasty toerags, destined to grow up and lead a life of crime.

And I haven’t even mentioned AJ sending that sound clip, of myself mentioning that two illegal pictures were found in my possession, recorded on the night before I was set to appear in court for a trial in front of my peers, which he sent to my local pub. Painting me as a paedophile.

I should have said that “Sussex Police claim two illegal pictures were found in my possession,” but hey, when you record live with no second takes, it's easy to leave the odd pertinent word out.

After all, we all know that AJ is infamous for leaving out pertinent letters from his words.

The point I’m making is that AJ Lashbrook has ruined my life, my good name, standing and character, by spreading false claims that I am a paedophile.

Unlike his animal cruelty conviction, which was proven in a court of Law, I don’t have any criminal convictions of a sexual nature and nor has any evidence proving I had any illegal images in my possession, has ever been presented in a court of law.

But yet, AJ Lashbrook, tells everyone he can, that I’m a proven nonce and paedophile.

So when I heard Bleeding Heart claim his father was a paedophile, I just had to check it out.

A simple google search brought up Andrew Lashbrook, a 61 year old man, from Okehampton in Devon, found guilty of sexual assault against two teenage girls.

The dates fitted and the location fitted. The fact AJ Lashbrook throws the words “nonce” and “paedophile” around the internet as if they were confetti, explained a lot.

Evidentially AJ Lashbrook has got a bee in his bonnet so to speak, and the likelihood that his paedophile compulsion and obsession, stemming from his father’s perversion, seemed extremely possible.

And as I made clear from the very outset, there is no evidence to connect AJ Lashbrook to Andrew Lashbrook, and that until a connection could be made, it was purely speculation.

The facts remained:

Bleeding Heart made a claim that AJ’s father was a paedophile during a Ghost Speakers Corner YouTube livestream on Thursday 19th December 2024.

A man called Andrew Lashbrook, aged 61, from Okehampton Devon was indeed found guilty of sexual assault against two teenage girls.

It is perfectly reasonable that anyone would come to the conclusion that in light of AJ Lashbrook’s conduct in calling everyone else a nonce and paedophile, that Andrew Lashbrook could well be either his father or uncle.

All AJ Lashbrook had to do was put the matter to bed and tell us who his parents are.

“No, my dad's name is Richard.” Would have sufficed.

“My mother’s maiden name is Johnson.” Would have helped.

“Andrew John Lashbrook, has got nothing in common with me, except our middle name,” would have gone a long way in quelling the rumours.

But all we got from AJ was what we have come to expect from AJ.

“You lot don't half come out with some utter crap if I'm in mid 40's to late 40's that must mean stinky knickers Lavenhams child abuser is not far off 50 to mid 50's if this Andrew is my Dad he owes me 30 odd years worth of Xmas an birthday presents an he owes my mother 16 years of child maintenance you retarded degenerates can crack on with your delusions.”

Cryptic confusion and deflection…

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