2 months ago


So I got a bunch of videos from capcut and put it together!!! I don't know the copyright situation to give credit to the artists- but if anyone can help me with that I'd be grateful!

I'm literally a one person army - I'm on the verge of having a nervous breakdown or some breakdown! lol
Because no one in this wholeeeee wide world is willing to help me!!! i've been begging for help for years! I've been posting like a maniac but it's falling on deaf ears! It's dead fking silence in my channels and in my life! I've been inside my four walls four more than 24 months working- and i can't even get a fking opinion on my contents after hundreds of videos and posts! This is just fkedddd up ! beyondddd fkeddd up!! no one should do this to anyone !!!! ;(((
All because the blood thirsty zionists want to shut me up!!!
These Talentless faithless Godless Soulless monsters!!!

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