JUAN O SAVIN- Hijacked Operations, Buckle Up! - NINO 12 22 2024

1 month ago

PART TWO- What we are looking is a Hijacked Operation. The Whole world has been effected by the orchestration of the Plandemic. China is the source of much of this Psyop. The truth is going to be coming forward in spades. Power and Control. Gitmo is ready. The opposite of JOY. IS JUSTICE. This is going to be a huge event after Trump is elected. We Will Have Justice. Buckle UP!
Juan mentions the transportation in the Underground Tunnels.
You might get a Gift from God.. The NDE that works out for the Positive.
Speculation that might be dire.. I have seen movement of Troops as many have in Port Cities. Most of the FBI are "Salt of the Earth". And here Juan tells you some interesting facts behind Intelligence Structure. This is rather "old school" but you can't understand how this works other that having dialog like this in movies..
It is "compartmentalized". Sometimes you never know which SIDE you are working on. FACE OFF, STAND OFF COMING. NORAD. Most of the three letter agencies are Hijacked Operations. And maybe most Corporations and City Governments. This ends with Juan dropping off. Nino states he will get him back for a "part two" soon.

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