Freedom fighter Korean President's joint speech to the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives

2 months ago

A joint speech by the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives by freedom fighter Korean President Yoon Seok-yeol, who was impeached by the National Assembly. He pursues true conservatism and liberal(freedom) democracy values, is a great anti-communist, and is a key asset of anti-China solidarity. Americans, please help the Korean president. 국회로부터 탄핵소추된 자유전사 한국대통령 윤석열의 미 상하원 합동연설. 그는 진정한 보수주의와 자유민주주의 가치를 추구하는 그리고 위대한 안티커뮤니스트이자 반중국 연대의 핵심자산이다. 미국인들이여 한국대통령을 도와주시오.

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