Owen Benjamin says a 7 year old can consent to a 70 yo. Sick f’in abused jew.

25 days ago

Owen is the reason that certain people should never reproduce and never be around any child ever.

His bloodline should’ve been aborted & now those poor boys are being abused & set up for utter failure.

This disgusting unstable talentless pervert projects & runs every day. See if this spineless queer or it’s braindead cult will ever speak to anyone who calls them out 😂🤡 The losers just block & run while crying victim.

The Society’s Rejects cult is the poster children for abortion with this psychooooo closet ghey on front. Why is every beartard gayer than aids unwanted by the good people of the world or a lonely unwanted obese whale?

If your life sucks & you have absolutely nothing going for you, go waste your time & money on this unfunny, perverted, pedo-loving gay jew that no one should know exists!!!

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