3 months ago




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Paths Within The Sea
I wrote this a few months ago

The Story of Matthew Maury Paths In The Sea. The Story of a Navel Officer

Matthew Maury Paths In The Sea
The Bible Knows Best
Psalm 8:8
Whatsoever passes through the paths of the sea.

Let me try to explain. If one model works for one level then it stands, the model may work on a different level.

As there are paths in the seven seas on the Earth.
If there are paths in the sea there are paths in space.
As below, on Earth and as above in heavens. I am referring to Space as a singular entity. As Earth is in Space.

Tonight we want to talk about Space
The Space between your ears
The Space of Outer Space
With a man of faith
Which includes
All Space

If we live in a biosphere, a domed atmosphere.
Nothing gets in; Nothing gets out.
If that is the case then: we are sequestered; we are protected from that which is without.

And if that is the truth, then we are equally imprisoned with tHose who hate us beyond measure.

tHeir only hope of redemption is to live in a world of tHeir making, a world of tHeir liking.

And at the end of every Satanic
Ritual; a hueman must die.

For me, I have never been into space; therefore I’m trying to logically think through information I have garnered. . .

With the intelligence God gave me to crack a tough nut as Maury did in his day of faithfulness.

In my case, I will never been afforded the privilege of going to space in my corporal body.
Someone, someday may read these lines and add to them to bring in the truth.

I realize this is a very simplistic answer; but aren’t the short answers the best answers. I am sure I will revisit this subject again and again.

Ockham’s Razor
"Entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity.”
Ockham never used these exact words.

In case you’re not familiar with the logic of the simplest answer is probably the best and most logical answer to any problem.
Elon sent up a Space X which appears to have hit something.
Many commentators said it was a dome or the firmament. I have no revelation on this subject.
Genesis 1:6
Amplified Bible
6 And God said, “Let there be an [a]expanse [of the sky] in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters [below the expanse] from the waters [above the expanse].”
The great expanse we call space is plasma-aether-liquid similar to water.
There too, will there be paths in the seas of space!
Is separated from the waters below by the firmament (protective) dome from above.
I’m merely attempting to sound out in my mind how my hypothesis resonates.

Please let me know in the comments how you agree or disagree.

Appreciate Y’all

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