Cibinetide: Regenerative peptide, Stefan's lecture to CDPM group

1 month ago

Cibinetide (also termed ARA290 or pyroglutamate helix B surface peptide (pHBSP)), is a synthetic
oligo-peptide rationally designed to selectively activate the IRR24. Cibinetide interacts with the external hydro-
philic domain of the EPOR/CD131 complex and has been shown to exert benefical effects in animal models
of myocardial infarction, dilated cardiomyopathy, experimental ischemic stroke, peripheral nerve trauma and
wound healing. Furthermore, randomized placebo controlled trials have demonstrated its safety and efficacy in
human subjects affected by peripheral neuropathy secondary to sarcoidosis or diabetes mellitus25–27. Cibinetide
improves symptoms in patients with sarcoidosis-associated small nerve fiber loss and increases corneal small
nerve fiber abundance.
Cibinetide lacks erythropoietic effects as it does not activate EPOR homodimers.
Thus, cibinetide is not
associated with unintended side effects such as thromboembolism secondary to stimulation of erythropoiesis as
ascribed for full length recombinant erythropoietin.

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