E73 | The 1000 Year Reign w/ Paul Hanson

1 month ago

The Dudes welcome return guest, TikTok influencer, and "Shroudie" Paul Hanson to discuss the timeline of the millennial reign mentioned in the book of Revelation.

00:00 Introduction to the Tinfoil Hat Club
01:16 Welcoming Paul Hanson: Shroud Enthusiast
03:26 Scientific Updates on the Shroud of Turin
03:46 The 2000-Year-Old Shroud: Evidence and Implications
08:17 End Times Prophecies and the 7-Day Theory
12:27 Biblical Timelines and Prophetic Interpretations
32:40 The Shroud of Turin: Scientific and Spiritual Insights
41:20 The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Debate
46:20 Reading Revelation 20: The Thousand-Year Reign
46:55 Different Bible Translations and Interpretations
47:34 Millennium Births and Longevity
48:24 Resurrected Bodies and the 1,000-Year Reign
49:16 Confusion in the Church: Baptisms and Christenings
50:35 First Resurrection and Sheol
51:38 Near-Death Experiences and Semi-Conscious States
53:59 Judgment and the New Jerusalem
01:04:55 Feasts and Traditions: Passover and Trumpets
01:16:46 Personal Experiences and the Shroud of Turin
01:22:03 Final Thoughts and Farewell

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