Just Be~SpBOOM: Cathleena Hailley~5D Guide: Inverted Matrix/Divine Innocence/Innerstand/Mind Mastery

1 month ago

Ep 153. Today's show features frequency alchemist, Arcturian/Andromedan/Council of 9 incarnate, embodiment of divine feminine, Cathleena Hailley (and I could list way more that this). We discuss her childhood; the inverted matrix where she gets into its tenants of enslavement, imprisonment and sacrifice; source being in all things, divine innocence, automatic writing, mind mastery, her frequency adjuster tool and authentic love... among so many other things.

Her "Just Be Practice," man, it will help you ascend!

Cathleena's Links:
Her Websites:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@cathleenahailley6849
Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/CathleenaHailley
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cathleenahailley
X: CathleenaHFA

Products I endorse to assist you thru this Great Awakening:
1. My 3D to 5D Merch here: https://edenjustbe.com/merch/
2. Hooga Health: Red light therapy, EMF & grounding products. 12% off for you. Enter JUSTBE at checkout. Go to: https://hoogahealth.com/?ref=xffizisqqy
3. Amazing! Transmute the harmful EMFs from Smart Meters, Wifi, cell towers... My link to Twisted Sage: https://TwistedSage.com/EdenJustBe
4. Sound Feelings: 10% off at https://www.soundfeelings.com/buy-now. Innovating, healing music from my friend Howard Richman. Also, 10% off his devices 5Dflow & Stress Unlocker. Enter EDEN5D at checkout.

*Host Eden Koz is a soul realignment specialist utilizing such gifts as empathy, intuition, psychic ability, mediumship, meditation, mindset shift, Reiki, dimensional and galactic healing, to name a few. She can also perform spiritual Co#id Vac+ Healings as well as remote & face-to-face sessions with individuals and groups.

Connect with Eden:
Website: https://edenjustbe.com (remote or face-to-face sessions)
Podcast: Just Be ~ Spiritual BOOM - https://edenjustbe.com/podcast
(On Spotify & Apple Podcasts plus many more. Listen to the podcast on my website or see all the directory links there as well.)
Facebook: Eden Koz - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100080092912777
Instagram: Just Be Eden Koz - https://www.instagram.com/justbeedenkoz
LinkedIn: Eden Koz - https://www.linkedin.com/in/eden-koz-1323a52
YouTube: Just Be LLC - https://www.youtube.com/c/JustBeLLC
BitChute: Eden Koz - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/r9BrfW9zFPzy
Rumble: Eden Koz - https://rumble.com/account/content?type=all
Odysee: @EdenKoz - https://odysee.com/@EdenKoz:c?view=content
Grassroots Warrior Network: https://rumble.com/search/all?q=grassroots%20warrior%20network

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