if i got the key i'd just throw it away so i can keep searching for it

2 months ago

living the dream or nightmare
i wait for it to be over all to just go right back
i am talking about doing standup by the way
...all so you can you have this one night where it all makes sense
it is quite tedious tho
i feel close to people that i don't even know
so ashamed that i am mostly made of pain
many are too proud to admit their pain (we have opposite problem)
this constant state of waiting
i am more free than most but it's cos i live in a prison
at the same time it can't break me
being mopy is fine, it's almost xmas damnit
i don't have to feel good in order for it to be good
feelings aren't facts, that's straight outta the big book of AA
ben shapiro sounds like a child, the beard DOES look good on him tho
this channel is for me n people like me
how could i not understand myself considering
i want less n less to do w/ this world every day that i'm here

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