2024 Xmas UFO show with Rob & Paul, UFO Cases and Topic Catch up in UK and USA

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Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! Xmas Period and UFO news and vid
catch up and time to come and chat to Paul even on voice if
wish. Guest Rob comes to talk on anything UFOy or ghosty.
[00:02:00] (1c) dot dot dot - Paul checks the streams and bits
[00:04:20] (2) Main Topic Begins - Robert Farmer UFO research and
historian for UK and beyond. First Opinion on James Fox's latest
movie called THE PROGRAM.
[00:06:50] (2b) Jason Sands - Bug fake video disproves his claims
[00:10:10] (2c) McKinnon Hacker - I knew Rob would agree with
my analysis pattern matching but I still say Im 100 percent correct
what he stumble on was game code and art
[00:26:00] (2d) Rob chips in and talks worse things of James movie
and lost respect for the guy
[00:30:00] (3) Rob talks about his recent projects in ufology
[00:40:00] (4) UFOs leaking fluids?
[00:45:00] (5) How Paul got into UFOLOGY. Started as a Skeptic
amd debunking claims of shills like secureteam10 tpom corey goode
so on, and then met contactees online and researchers like Rob
and Earl who had own experiences which led to my own happening!
[00:51:40] (6) Rob switches to side chat questions
[01:02:00] (7) Paul talks about greys visit and his best evidence
one being a skeptic that refused to release publicly that Rob Knows
[01:13:00] (8) Back to Side Chat about hypnotize of my experience
and NO! never would and all I recall was real memories.
[01:18:00] (9) Rob talks about his own experiences including his most
recent one just a year ago!
[01:22:00] (9b) MiB Strike the channel cutting off Robs camera
[01:23:30] (9c) Rob resumes his story of beings on a beach with purple sky
[01:31:00] (9d) Robs camera flickering but suspect his setuo is on auto focus and brightness
[01:35:00] (9e) Rob talks other experiences but Paul tells how over tiredmess
dream state and hallucinations work
[01:38:00] (9f) Robs Alien grey visit experience
[01:51:00] (10) Rob mentions Fessler podcast after Paul talks about what aliens
want and maybe experimenting on DNA caused his autoimmune issues.
[01:54:50] (11) Rob and Paul need a 2-3min break here
[02:03:00] (11b) Paul is back from break but ran a few animations he made
for fun! Rob resumes his experiences!
[02:04:00] (12) Rob walked his dog before heading out to mates meet
but something happened!
[02:25:00] (13) Side Chat catch up - Hey Jasper!
Paul opens the lines so anyone can jump on and join us on voice
but none did!
[02:31:00] (14) Robs ex-GF who spoke a creepy language while asleep
[02:36:00] (15) Rob talks about Orb light zooming over the sea and his mate
and him see it while fishing on the shoreline COVE!
[02:49:00] (16) Ashton Forbes and MH370 and legal threats
[03:02:00] (17) Rob on Zondos Book claims and Orbs
[03:09:59] (18) Side Question on Bigfoots
[03:14:58] (19) Robs Ghost sighting when he was 15 with his dog
this is a great story not to be missed!
[04:04:00] (20) Old Synths and random chat before ending

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

Thanks for watching, Liking, and commenting on video it really helps..

All Links
our website is listed there theouttherechannel.wordpress.com

ALL footage FAIR USE to reviews, criticism, fact checking and education
a transformative work with commentary with some Parody.

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