Cui prodest? Hidden manipulators!

1 month ago

Article: Politicians under threat. Who is behind this? Part 6

The methodology of inciting hatred in absolutely different countries often displays strikingly similar patterns marked with the same methods of dehumanizing and demonizing political figures. Who actively used those methods, and where did they originate from? Chapters three and four of "The IMPACT" documentary answer these questions. Those tactics were refined and employed by apologists under the Third Reich. The tactics enabled Adolf Hitler to transform one of Europe's most advanced societies into a totalitarian regime with complete suppression of dissent and absolute power of the führer.

The shadow force, referred to in "The IMPACT" documentary as "global anticultism," did not vanish after the democratic world's victory over Nazism. Instead, it continued to evolve, refining and transmitting its methods over the years. Today, the Russian Association of Centers for the Study of Religions and Sects (RACIRS) is the immediate successor to this methodology. Its president, Alexander Dvorkin, is a disciple of the founders of the Third Reich's Apologetic Center.

Possessing the methods, however, is only part of the equation; having resources to apply them is another. Under the aegis of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), RACIRS has reportedly achieved significant success in consolidating power in the country it controls Russia. Over the past three decades, RACIRS's activities have contributed to the dismantling of democratic institutions and the erosion of rights and freedoms. As a result, a totalitarian regime of suppression of free-thinking has been formed, where ROC led by the former KGB agent and now billionaire Patriarch Kirill plays a central role.


#kgb #russia #demokrasi

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