What James Says About Religious Fakers | James 1:26-27

3 days ago

It is frustrating to see people who claim to be religious act like complete jerks. And this is precisely what James will call out today in James 1:26-27.

Welcome to the Daily Devo. Remember, tomorrow, you will receive a chapter study on James 1 on the Vince Miller Show.

If you are new here, get your James Scripture Journal now so you can take notes as we study this letter together. Let's read the text for today:

If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless. Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. — James 1:26-27

James gives three marks of an authentic believer.

How you steward words.
How you show compassion.
How you stand pure.

These marks prove our authenticity. They are easy to control, or "bridle," when life moves as expected. But how do you respond when life metaphorically speeds up, hits unexpected traffic, a sudden turn, or an object in the road? Can you then steward your words, show compassion, and stand pure?

A few days ago, I embarked on a whirlwind trip to help my son travel from Minnesota to Florida. I flew out of Florida at 1:00 p.m. on Friday and landed in Minnesota. An hour later, we hit the road in his car. We drove nonstop from Friday night through Saturday, finally arriving in Florida at 11:30 p.m.

We drove through six states and encountered all sorts of memorable sights. But one incident stuck out. Two drivers behaving recklessly in traffic were weaving in and out of cars. Then, one of the drivers, whose car proudly displayed a fish sticker, took things to the next level when he started yelling obscenities out his window and flipped the bird in a fit of rage.

But as disappointing as this was to watch unfold, we all know we have the propensity to act this way. And the true mark of our spiritual authenticity is how, in these moments, we:

Steward words.
Show compassion.
Stand pure.

James is saying that it is possible to "look" religiously perfect. You can have perfect church attendance, vast bible knowledge, pray elaborate prayers, and even give generously, but if your words are habitually unbridled, you have no compassion for the vulnerable, or you cannot stand pure in an impure world, your religion is worthless. This is because religious practices, no matter how perfectly practiced, are meaningless if your heart is not marked by authentic change.

A marked heart, not a marked checklist, marks authentic religion.

You see, a fish symbol on a car is just a symbol when it does not symbolize the heart of the driver. And James warns us not to let our lives resemble the same. What you display to the world—your faith—needs to be consistent with how you live. That means your words must be consistent. Your hearts must break for the vulnerable. And your life must testify to purity in a world stained by sin.

Ask yourself these three questions today and make the necessary changes.

How am I stewarding my words?
How am I showing compassion?
How am I standing pure?

If you want, write down the change you need to make in your Scripture Journal or leave a comment below as a testimony to the change you are choosing to make.

#AuthenticFaith, #James12627, #TrueReligion

Ask This:
How am I stewarding my words?
How am I showing compassion?
How am I standing pure?
Do This:

Write out the change you are going to make.

Pray This:

Father, transform my heart so that my words, actions, and life reflect true and pure faith in You. Help me to steward my words, show compassion, and remain pure in a world that often pulls me away from You. Amen.

Play This:

God, I Look To You.

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