1 month ago


When you have learned the hidden secrets of occultism you will literally become a miracle worker. You can use your knowledge to influence and control others for good purposes.
You can project dynamic mental power and magnetize and attract money, jobs, possessions and objects that you desire. You can use the transcendental power of occultism to elevate your consciousness to the level of a genius, performing with effortless ease all kinds of astounding actions. You can use the higher power of occultism to release psychic and clairvoyant powers, giving you precognition and the ability to know your future.

You can communicate with other minds; you can project your soul to the astral planes while you sleep, and travel back into history or into the future dimensions of time and space, knowing secrets that are denied to ordinary mortals.

Occult science differs from physical science in this respect: Physical science deals with the world of matter, that which can be measured, weighed, seen, felt and heard through the five senses. Occult science deals with the invisible phenomena of the universe, that which transcends the limited bonds of materiality and the known dimensions of time and space.
The word occult was coined by the practitioners of this ancient science to include the entire range of human experiences and mystic perceptions that exist in the secret, hidden places of the universe.
These masters, with their highly developed occult powers, were able to go beyond the bounds of natural knowledge. They probed the vast spectrum of powers that exist in the invisible interstices of the cosmos. They were able to set aside the so-called natural laws that limit ordinary mortals. They entered a fourth dimensional realm of the mind and spirit where they could tap a vast reservoir of miracle-working power that changed the face of the earth for all mankind.

Just as man has, in this century, set aside the natural law of gravity to fly to the moon and back, so too may those versed in the science of occultism dare to venture beyond the frontiers of modern science into the realm of mysticism and divine revelation.
Just as the ancient seers, sages, prophets and holy men were able to perform amazing miracles and reveal astounding facts about the origin of the soul, the nature of God, the mystery back of creation, so too, you may use the same occult power to perform miracles and evolve your mind to the highest degree of proficiency in the occult sciences.

When you have fully developed your occult powers through a study of this book, you may tap a vast armamentarium of invisible powers that make you superior to others. You will be conversant with psychic phenomena, extrasensory perception, clairvoyance, automatic speaking and writing. You will know how to use the occult power of psychokinesis, to control matter with your higher mind; you will be able to use psychometry, astral projection and soul flights to other planes of consciousness. You will know how to read the akashic record in the human aura, which reveals to you instantly the innermost thoughts and intentions of other people. You will learn secrets of the soul, and know about reincarnation, in which your soul has lived before, and you will be able to overcome the karmic debts which you have built in previous lives.

paperback book edition available here:

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