BGMCTV MESSIANIC LESSON p064_parash_011_miketz

23 days ago

BGMCTV P064 Parash 10 Mikketz (At the end) B’resheet/Genesis 41:1 to 44:17

Theme & Message – The focus of this lesson is that the reality of sin in all people is seen by God, revealed by God and can only be cleansed by God. No matter how good or righteous a person may seem on the outside, it is God who sees the truth of sin hidden in the hearts of people. It is only by the cleansing blood of the Lamb of God, Yeshua, that sins can be cleansed away. No matter how old the sin is, no matter bad the sin seems to be, the blood of Yeshua has the power to clean it and God’s heart is always willing to forgive.

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