“God Sent Forth His Son…To Redeem Them” (Galatians 4:1-5) - Celebrating the birth of Christ 12\22\24

2 months ago

Pastor Smith continues his “Logos: A Journey of Faith, Hope, and Love” series with a message from Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians and a sermon to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

The story of Christ’s birth does not originate in the Gospels; it begins in Genesis, where God created man with free will, the capacity to choose between good and evil. God gave Adam the instructions and guidelines for life but warned that disobedience would invite His judgment. (Genesis 2:16–17) Adam sinned, and the world and humanity were cursed with sin and death.

Genesis 3:15 was the first mention of a Savior\Redeemer, and God foretold there would be a perpetual conflict between the “seed” (offspring) of the devil and the “seed” of the woman. Galatians 4 announced the culmination of the Genesis 3:15 prophecy. (Galatians 4:1-8) God’s answer to man’s sin and alienation was a Redeemer. (Galatians 4:4-5)

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