4-Line Gatha | Diamond Sutra

2 months ago

The Buddha teaches us to cut our attachment to all phenomena and to the “I,” which are empty of inherent existence, and in so doing, cut the root cause of our suffering. Yet without wise guidance we may think that because all phenomena are empty there is no need to be attached to virtue, and thus we fall into the worst trap of all—an attachment to emptiness. How do we destroy our attachment without being led astray?

All conditioned dharmas
are like dreams, illusions, bubbles, shadows
like dew and like a lighting bolt:
contemplate them thus - Diamond Sutra

Point0fMU: Buddhism teaches impermanence & interdependence. Conditioned dharmas (interdependence) come into being do to mutual dependence. As an example, in order for a seed to grow into a tree; water, soil, and sunlight is necessary.

The Buddha's examples (dreams, illusions, bubbles, etc.) serves to show two points about all phenomena (conditioned dharmas) in the universe:
1. not real (dreams or illusions)
2. unstable & fleeting (bubbles or lightning flashes)

Continuing the tree example, impermanence is demonstrated through snapshots in the tree's lifecycle: seed -> seedling -> sprout -> sapling -> tree

Through insight the Buddha teaches attachment to what is perceived in the universe as 1. not real & 2. not eternal & not stable will only bring about suffering.

#buddhistsutras #affirmations #suttateachings #motivation #quotes #religion

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