Kids Get Major Air With Memorable Tube Wipeout

6 years ago

These four boys go airborne while on a tube at Shaver Lake, California. Now that's an epic wipeout!

On the picturesque Shaver Lake in California, four boys have an unscheduled exit from their inflatable tube and get unceremoniously dumped into the water. A short but funny video with an amusing conclusion.

The setting of the video is deceptively calm, with a vast open lake, graceful tree-lined shores, surrounded by gently rolling hills. A motorboat is powering along the lake, water foaming in its wake, with an unusual cargo in tow. Four teenage boys inside an inflatable tube are being pulled along the lake at high speed, bobbing up and down in the wake of the boat.

There are no indications of the chaos which is about to ensue the unfortunate teenage boys being towed along in a four-person inflatable tube attached by rope to the back of the motorboat.

It is clear from the onset of the video that this is not going to smooth ride for the boys. Based on the way the inflatable tube is bobbing up and down, it does not appear to be the most comfortable mode of transport for cruising Shaver Lake. Having four passengers on board does not appear to have helped with the lack of stability of the craft.

Around the four second mark of the video is when disaster strikes. The inflatable tube starts bobbing up and down wildly as it crosses over the wake of the boat. The boys try to hold on, but it is all in vain as they are all thrown off the tube and into the waters of Shaver Lake. With all the boys in the water and the inflatable tube now upside down, the video comes to an abrupt end.

While we do not get to see what happens to the four boys after their premature evacuation, it is likely that they all survived their unexpected disembarkment from the oversized floatation device unscathed as they were all wearing life jackets and did not appear to collide with any sharp or hard objects on landing. While it is likely that the boys would have preferred not to have ended their lake cruise in this fashion, no one was hurt, and it looks like the ride was fun while it lasted.

Unlike many videos which often have an unnecessarily long build up, this video gets straight to the point, with viewers not having to wait long to see the exciting part. Perhaps the video could be used by the Californian tourism board to attract visitors looking to replicate the acrobatic exploits of the four boys on Shaver Lake. While an inflatable tube may not be everyone’s ideal mode of transportation for a cruise on a lake, there are almost certainly some people who would find the idea of being pulled along in oversized inflatable mattress at high speeds by a motorboat to be a grand old time.

All in all, it is a short but entertaining video, showing how some things can still be a lot of fun even when they don’t go to plan.

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