Chromebook Hardware Specs to run REAL SHADERS on Minecraft 1.8.8!

1 month ago

This is a video showcasing the incredible genius the devs of these shaders are to make shaders so darn efficient that they ACTUALLY RUN on a Chromebook!! Albeit, it's a very poor and unplayable performance, but it is spectacular how efficient these shaders are, especially when paired with the Faithful 32x32 Resource Pack for 1.8.9.
I made this video in order to showcase the shaders themselves, to showcase the possibilities with a better-spec device, and to show why any future gameplay footage will not be played with these shaders.

This is in my Hardcore world, I would suggest checking out my channel for an unrefined tour as of now, but, in the future, there should be a good tour!

No voiceover, no editing at all, I am just uploading to learn how Rumble works. I would hope to make this into a real series!

I may re-upload this video all trimmed up and captioned or voiceovered, but until then, here it is!


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