Otaku Box - Shion - November - Release with Yor and Rem - Unboxing

2 months ago

The November Otaku Box arrived and I've go through with another video. Not going to lie, I put the editing off on this one for a while because there were so many things to scan in this time around and it was a little daunting.

Royalty Free Music from Mixkit
The Preachers Fight by Michael Ramir C.

#Shion #yor #yorbriar #yorforger #Rem #thattimeigotreincarnatedasaslime #reincarnatedasaslime #spyxfamily #rezero #rezerostartinglifeinanotherworld #startinglifeinanotherworld #chainsawman #highschooldxd #koneko #konekotoujoe #otakubox #otaku #blindbox #waifu #waifus

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