Proof Richard Suker has NOT reformed; my ultimatum to Rick part 4 READ DESCRIPTION

1 month ago

Kevin Michelle Daniels | Facebook: A list of every single one of Kevin Teichen's check-ins on Facebook from August 2nd, 2022 all the way to the present, a lot of different parts of Illinois and a few visits to various parts of Wisconsin during this nearly 2 1/2 year time frame, but not a single check-in mentions him visiting Jupiter, Florida in June of this year, therefore proving Jeff lied about Kevin raiding my house in Florida in the middle of the night in June of this year and apprehending me, and also proving that Kevin is NOT a Florida blues singer like Rick claimed on YouTube and on X Proof that Richard Suker lied in his description in his latest YouTube video about Kevin posting a photo on his highlight only 2 days ago, since the photo in Rick's thumbnail was posted on Kevin's highlight on November 16th, not 2 days ago. OOPS! BUSTED, Rick!"

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