NIMH #822 Part (4of 4) Hispanic Hip Hop Pioneers Speak of it history.

2 months ago

NIMH #822 Part (4of 4)
Hispanic Hip Hop Pioneers Speak of it history.

Not In My House With VANSILK
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Dj Charlie Chase (Coldcrush Brothers) Crazy Legs (Rocksteady Crew) Emcee Rubie Dee, & Emcee Whipper Whip (Grandwizzard Theodore and the Fantastic 5, Mr.Schick (MeanMachine) 1st to say Spanish rhymes on a record.
Guest Dj Walt Digz!

Thanks to Charlie Chase @charliechaseofficialpage Crazy Legs @crazylegsbx @mr.schick_tmm @princewhipper @waltdigz @bigbadsho

Tonight on Instagram @rapamania_vansilk
Salute to @waltdigz
Salute to our Hip Hop Family especially the 1st generation from 1973-1983.
Salute to @emceerubiedee715 & #PrinceWhipperWho both from Grandwizzard Theodore & the Fantastic 5 who are Hispanic and in the trenches before records. Salute to @charliechaseofficialpage @mr.schick_tmm #DiscoWiz and other who witness and was part of this cultivation of what the world know as Hip Hop.

I’m not a #Historian but a Trustorian is about the #Truth

If any one wish to join in tonite INBOX me and I will give you a time.


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