Random on a Tandem, PSU 2, Lower Trail starting at the Alfarata Station Trail Head. 6 mile ride.

19 days ago

Cory and Rob travel to the Lower Trail's Alfrata Station Trail Head to explore the Rails to Trails of Central PA. On a 6 mile, rain soaked, perfect day they discover the beautiful trail system of Lower Trail (Rhymes with flower). 39 minutes from PSU, near the town of Alexandria (1332 Main St., Porter Township, Alexandria PA) they find themselves very impressed with the developed trail head and the well maintained trail. After their ride they stop for lunch in Bellefonte at the Creekside Restaurant at Gambel Mill to enjoy a visit with their daughter from PSU. Join Random on a Tandem on another Rails to Trails adventure and discover the beauty of Central Pennsylvania's Rails to Trails.

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