#2:- A Bittersweet Family Re-Union: Embracing Love And Support

2 months ago

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Yes Yes Hi mom It's me it's daddy Oh my god I smell so bad As nice as it was to see their families the visit was also bittersweet because there's one big question on everyone's mind How long Do you want us to stay I want you home now Like I do I know you want me home but do you need me home Yes she needs you Yes you need to bond with your son I don't care what the other guy says You've made enough money I need you home That conversation was so difficult for me even so Yesterday was a really good day It had all of the things that I love It had my family My wife my kids my buddy Grizz That was like a really huge gift Oh they're gone now To hold her and know that she was safe it really has changed the way that I'm viewing this entire challenge Knowing I have my wife's support I want to stay until I have a 1000000 dollars And after some much needed family time Hayes and Grizz were much happier than I'd ever seen them Easy grits grits grits easy grits grits Ambush Let's smoke some fish

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