I sit down with Norman Fenton to discuss the book he has written with Martin Neil Fighting Goliath

1 month ago


"Fighting Goliath"

This book is about how the official Covid-19 narrative was based on flawed and manipulated data and science. This narrative claimed that a deadly virus emerged from China, creating a ‘pandemic’ and that humanity was eventually saved by unprecedented interventions: lockdowns, and the deployment of a safe and effective miracle vaccine. We question these official claims and show how statistics and science were manipulated to create the hysteria needed to convince people to fear ‘the virus’ and in response adopt extraordinary changes in their behaviour.

We expose the flawed and manipulative thinking that underlies modern virology, epidemiology and respiratory medicine and how these latent scientific vulnerabilities were exploited to spin a narrative used to manipulate medical decision making, public health and personal behaviour.

We describe our fight against the establishment ‘Goliath’, exposing the fact that the data and science underlying the Covid-19 event, in both its origins and response, did not ‘add up’. This includes battles against the UK government, regulators, the Orwellian manipulation of the BBC, and academic censorship. We describe our attempts to reveal the flawed and dangerous scientific ideas and wrongheaded assumptions that resulted in the unnecessary collapse of economies and global decline in health.

With foreword by Nick Hudson


“Fenton & Neil were pioneers in exposing the extent to which flawed and easily manipulated data were used to mislead the public about Covid-19 vaccine safety. This book catalogues their findings.”

— Robert F. Kennedy Jnr

“So much of the official narrative regarding Covid science was based on faulty methods and faulty ideas. In this book, Norman Fenton & Martin Neil detail the work and thinking they did to untangle the mess and make sense of the data. The next time there is a pandemic declared, the world would do well to embrace incisive voices and thinkers like Norman and Martin so that the policy responses imposed do not create more suffering than they prevent.”

— Professor Jay Bhattacharya PhD, Director of Stanford University’s Center for Demography and Economics of Health and Aging

“This book chronicles Norman & Martin’s fight against lockdowns and the narrative of a miraculous vaccine that saved us from a deadly virus”

— Toby Young, Associate Editor of The Spectator magazine and creator of the Daily Sceptic blog

“This book documents how the medical community, public health officials, and government agencies misled an unsuspecting public into taking what appears to be the most unsafe vaccine in human history. This book is a two-edged sword. On the one hand, it explains to the public how the authorities manipulated the data to fool the public. On the other hand, it also serves as a guidebook to people in power on how to mislead the public without getting caught.”

— Steve Kirsch, entrepreneur and founder of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation

“This is an important book because it reveals the extent to which Governments used flawed studies to deceive most of the population into unnecessarily taking a vaccine which is now known to have caused harm to many”.

— Dr Aseem Malhotra, cardiologist & writer

“When confronted with a new challenge scientific knowledge and critical analysis should be applied objectively, without bias and groupthink and free of manipulation by external vested interests. This book exposes how the public health and scientific establishments failed these critical tests during Covid-19 leading to a catastrophe for humanity.”

— John Campbell PhD, retired nurse teacher and former clinical nurse

"Instead of debate, science was censored. Norman & Martin compile the questions that were not allowed to be asked."

— Dr Clare Craig, diagnostic pathologist and co-founder of HART (Health Advisory and Recovery Team)

“Fenton and Neil's brilliant substack 'Where are the numbers?' was the authoritative 'go to' for Covid-19 sceptics and dissenters, over the period of Lockdown and its contrived novel 'vaccine' exit. The scrupulous analyses they produced of the official statistics and other significant research data provided a vital resource during that period for all those questioning the official narrative. Its chronological compilation in book form now supplies a critical historic record of the statistical deceit and manipulation practised by Government and media to prop up their narrative.”

— Kathy Gyngell, editor of The Conservative Woman

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