Megalithic Blocks - Evidence of Advanced Civilization over 12,800 years ago

10 days ago

Megalithic Blocks - Evidence of Advanced Civilization over 12,800 years ago

Clip 11 Day 1 Gigantic Rectangle block - Which side was on bottom and was it flat too??

lost technology, ancient mysteries, advanced civilization, history, camping, geology, geometry, hiking, exploring, google earth, Ancientdiscoveries, megalithic

Some experts like to claim natural but if the bottom was flat as it appears here then this is unnatural in my mind and shows evidence of intelligent design.

I had to visit Muley Point East, Utah to see the evidence for myself.

To A : See if “Google Earth Lies” as I claim in my book on Amazon. And that the lines and blocks do not follow a slope but are all on one plane or altitude. As I have proof that Google Earth not only altered the satellite images but they altered the altitude as well. Many before and after images showing the morphing that was done in my book. (Look up Muley Point East, Utah to see the morphing done to the area especially the edges of the plateau.)

And B: To prove this was not natural and has proof of intelligence. This came when I discovered the blocks are sealed with 3-5 millimeter epoxy of some sort that STILL HOLDS OUT WATER to this day.

More clips to come as I work on the second book and video coming out on this subject. Follow my channel for more announcements and clips.

“Google Earth Lies” book only $14.99 -

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