2 months ago

!! its a very important thing for all our nice Christian Brother's and Sister's to know about,this guy the Islam founder prophet MUHAMMAD,he is a failure person,he fail to bring his own father and mother into heaven mention in Sahih Al imam Muslim,he fails to unite bani Israel and bani Palestine this is mention in surahtul Al Isra and MUHAMMAD fails in many-many things including all islam 8481 will going to hell this is mention in Ibnu Majah 3992,but for those who their Faith in Christianity they must know that JESUS never fails and not a failure like MUHAMMAD the islam 8481 founder,JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN,so i wish you all merry Christmas and happy new year.☝🏻🙏🏻☦️✝️🙌🏻🇲🇾

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