Plants vs Zombies 2 - Plant of the Week - Lava Guava - December 2024

1 month ago

50 Lava Guava seeds are awarded for completing this event consisting of five (5) levels.

Plant of the Week - Lava Guava - was offered between December 21, 2024 through December 28, 2024.

Lava Guava is a member of the Pepper-Mint.
Lava Guava costs 75 Sun. (-25 Sun at levels 6 and 10.)
When touched, Lava Guava explodes. This deals 200 damage to all zombies in a 3x3 area. (+50 damage per level EXCEPT levels 3 and 4 where it is only +25 damage.)
A lava puddle will then be created which lasts for 12 seconds. This puddle does 25 damage. (+5 damage on levels 3-9.)

Lava Guava is a one-use plant along the lines of the potato mines, Squash and the instants. While we prefer permanent plants, single use and instant plants have their place. So we should examine this plant closely.

Bottom line:
75 Sun can be a bit for a single use plant. But let's look at this closely:
It's half the cost of Cherry Bomb but does 1/8th the damage.
It has the same cost as Primal Potato Mine but does 1/8th the damage but without the arming time.
Bud'uh Boom costs 25 more Sun but does 5x the damage AND throws pads of butter.

The only thing Lava Guava has going for it is that it is a thawing plant. Yet even that isn't all that great as the plants which are frozen tend to be closer to the house and Lava Guava wants to be closer to the action. Pepper-pult, Fire Peashooter, Torchwood, Inferno and Meteor Flower have better thawing.

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