When Science Intersects With Psychic & UFO Phenomena | "Science" Bob McGwier & Lala Bright

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On this episode we have two fantastic guest psychic medium Lala Bright and "Science" Bob McGwier. What happens when a scientist and a psychic medium investigate UFO/UAP technologies along with psychic energies? Let's find out!

Lala Bright has been an experiencer and psychic since she was vert young. Born in Baltimore, raised by a father who was a Reiki practitioner and light worker, he recognized what she was when she found her next-door neighbor's grave by hearing her name being called at 5 years old. She had sightings of UFOs and interactions through her youth. As an adult she had many instances of missing time and memories of abductions. She is a practicing medium and regularly gives readings.

Bob McGwier is a retired member of the US intelligence community and professor at Virginia Tech. Bob had odd experiences when he was a growing up and a life of downloads that heavily influenced his life choices. Bob earned a PhD in Applied Math and degrees in engineering and physics. He worked in intelligence for 27 years. At the end of his career in intelligence he joined the faculty at Virginia Tech and later became interested in UFOs. After visiting Chris Bledsoe, author of UFOs of God, he had many experiences and met Lala after she had seen Bob on Spaced Out Radio in a segment called Science Bob and friends. She read for Bob and brought his mother, grandmother, father, and more through. They became working on understanding Lala's abilities, started her business, finally started a relationship and now live together and regularly experiencing in Maryland.

You can email the hosts with your UFO/UAP and Paranormal stories at: mi.ufo.podcast@gmail.com

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