The Best Version of You | SELF ACCOUNTABILITY Pt. 4 | Accountable To Who You Truly Are

1 month ago

Self accountability 4 *

In the garden of Eden when the fall of man occurs, we as human beings lose a relationship and connection with ourselves. This is where are souls fall into the trap of being lost.

When the blame game happens, we lose the ability to be forthright and honest. This leads us to blame everyone but ourselves for where we are lacking. It goes that far back for generations.

When I first heard about self-accountability I believed and knew in my heart this was a message from God for a monumental step in the right direction. Because it’s undoing what happened in the garden.

It’s not about what Jesus did or didn’t do. Ultimately it’s your decision to follow him and that requires self-accountability. To be honest and stop blaming others for where you went wrong. You influenced things even with your perspective. You have to realise where you went wrong to fix it.

God Himself can’t save you if you don’t even want to be saved. The two people on the cross with Jesus tell you as much. You can’t have a Saviour mentality when Jesus didn’t either.

You acted and/or reacted to certain things because of your perspective. That requires self-accountability. When you understand yourself in this way, it becomes more obvious about learning the way in which God has created you and intended for you to be.

Owning up to mistakes can begin to undo damage and prevent more damage from happening. You don’t let demons escape through blame. That is how they hide, run and escape remaining hidden to you because you aren’t realising their influence that you gave into. This is how you break the trap.

It’s interesting to see that consuming 1 fruit led to the blame game and if you just start to blame yourself and own up to your own failings, the fruits of the spirit (like I said in the previous video) start to grow within you. Simple but overcomplicated and never preached.

God’s word created creation. God’s word became flesh. God’s word lives in us. His word is everything. When he claimed a covenant with Abraham he meant it to uphold his end of the covenant even when Abraham didn’t. This is why I said your word needs to mean something to you too because in time God’s word will become your word. Your word will become God’s word through the Holy Spirit. You need to value your word so that you can value God’s word when it comes to your life. When it comes into your being, when it interlaces with your soul. This is what creates union with the Holy Spirit also known as the Spirit of Truth. My friend said the Holy Spirit didn’t rectify my friend for watching a bad movie, it made him realise it on his own. The Spirit urges self accountability as a way for you to understand better who you are and who you are not.

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