Remain in Mexico — Homan Suggests Shutting down Immigration Courts since they don’t Do their Jobs

2 months ago

Remain in Mexico — Homan Suggests Shutting down Immigration Courts since they don’t Do their Jobs!

• The Immigration court dockets are pushed back in some cases 7-9 years, and by that time, illegal aliens have had 2-3 kids on US soil making the entire situation more difficult.

• 9 out of 10 illegal aliens who claim asylum don’t have a valid claim, but still allowed into the US

• Only 6% of illegal alien families actually leave the United States when ordered to leave.
—— to make matters worse, absolutely nobody comes looking for them when they’re here illegally and they’ve been ordered to leave, and they decide not to leave.

“If we don’t enforce those orders, what the hell are we doing? Shut down the immigration court!”

“That whole dynamic’s going to change…> because if you’re in the country illegally (when Trumps in office), you’re gonna have a problem.”

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