Fast Times at the Clinton White House

2 months ago


This little treasure was shared by @GarrettZ on Telegram aka, Garrett Ziegler, the brilliant young father of three, former White House staffer and publisher of the Hunter Biden laptops, via his Marco Polo website and Substack.



(Interior - White House circa 1996)

John Podesta: I'm a little bit worried about him. This morning, for example, he came into the Oval Office for our meeting and I said, "Mr President, is everything alright?" And he said, "Yeah, what's the matter?" And I said, "Mr President, you're wearing your pajama bottoms."

(Exterior - Presidential limousine)

Hillary Clinton: I really have nothing to say about that. I wish I could be here more, but I really think Bill has everything under control. (Slams door. Limo drives off).

Cut to:

(Exterior - Bill Clinton in the White House driveway holding a lunch bag, calling out to Hillary)

Bill Clinton: Wait, wait, wait, wait! You forgot your lunch!

Cut to:

(Interior - White House - Reflection of Bill Clinton standing in front of a mirror, holding an Oscar in his hands, practicing an Academy Awards Acceptance Speech)

Bill Clinton: I want to thank the Academy for this tremendous honor. This may be the greatest moment of my life. I mean, ever since I was a little boy, I've wanted to be a real –

(Kevin Space walks into the behind Bill Clinton, interrupting him and snatching away the Oscar from Bill Clinton's hands. Bill continues:)

– actor.

Cut to:

(Interior - White House - Bill Clinton riding a bicycle indoors)

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