Tom Homan Explains Why DHS Secretary Mayorkas' Claim Of Thorough Vetting Of Illegals Is TOTAL BS

2 months ago

Posted • December 21, 2024: Tens of millions of people have flowed across the Biden-Harris-Mayorkas open border since they took office and undid all of Donald Trump's measures that were making the border more secure. Biden had previously urged people to illegally "surge to the border" when he took office and that's exactly what happened. All along the way, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who fittingly looks like he could play a Bond villain, often claims that these people were being vetted thoroughly. "We screen and vet individuals." -- Incoming "border czar" Tom Homan, who will be tasked with cleaning up a huge, treasonous mess Team Biden will be leaving behind, called BS on all of Mayorkas' vetting claims. Here's Tom Homan explaining on Fox News today why Mayorkas' assurances that these people are "properly and thoroughly vetted" is a total lie. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Tom Homan Explains Why DHS Secretary Mayorkas' Claim of Thorough Vetting of Illegals Is TOTAL BS

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