Academy for the Workbook of ACIM 2025, Introduction #1, 12/21/24

25 days ago

In 2025, we are delighted to be launching the Academy for the Workbook of A Course In Miracles. All hearts are welcome. Our time is devoted to our Inner Teacher, the Spirit, the Christ Presence we all share. Our mission is to support earnest beginners and long-time students in living the daily lessons and coming to rest in the holy instant.

Jesus tells us, “I have forgotten no one. Help me now to lead you back to where your journey was begun, and make another choice with me." And he reminds us, ”The whole power of God’s Son lies in all of us, but not in any of us alone."

As we take the journey of forgiveness together, the love in our hearts is expanding. We walk with God and our brothers walk beside us. We are not alone. Peace is shared. May our joy expand, as we learn to make no decisions by ourselves and fully trust God’s prearranged loving plan.

"This is a course in how to know yourself.” The key to the workbook of ACIM is simply being willing to follow the instructions and make no exceptions. It’s one thing to read the lessons, yet to actually apply the lessons throughout the day is easier said than done. That’s why this 2025 class will begin by letting go of perfectionism in favor of higher willingness. Our wish is to infuse each step with a warm sense of Ok-ness to let all things be exactly as they are. Let's take a leap of faith together into deeper trust, deeper forgiveness, and unlearn the monotony of linear time. Let’s lay down our burden of private thoughts and grievances more quickly, and bring all our problems to One Answer. May the attraction of love pull us inward... and by His Grace, keep us in the recognition of this holy instant.

Much love,
Brian and Alexandra
donations appreciated
Brian Theard @teachonlylove

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