Brave Test Recording

22 days ago

We are prepared for another battle in the fight for freedom. I rarely say trust me folks, so know this, the election of Donlad Trump to a second term was the last fight. You are only as good as your last fight.

Time to parlay and bring a day of reckoning to those who do not honor the consent of the governed and broke, break and conspire over how to continue breaking the law.

4 minutes about the russia russia russia psyop we were all soaked in for more than the last eight years. Wait for the screen share to show up and then click on play.

Maria Butina was not a sparrow, or was she? Perhaps we will never know.
This is not the end of anything, only the beginning of a more full participation in self government. stetty sez, "self government requires some engagement." She asks all of us to consider for ourselves what it all means. Her message, "with love, from Russia" and to the bots and sots . . . . bite me 😃

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