THE DIVIDED HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE - The Kingdom of the AntiChrist (8/4/2023)

1 month ago

The LAST INQUISTION, CRUSADE and COUNTER-REFORMATION ACT of WAR against humanity is here people stay ready and put on the whole ARMOR of GOD!


DANIEL 2, DANIEL 7, REV 13, REV 17, REV 18, PSALM 2 and 2 ESDRAS 11 of the APOCRYPHAL and many others all speak in agreement pointing to the LAST SUPERPOWER that is to Reign over the kings of the Earth under Caesar and Papal PONTIFEX MAXIMUS the ROMAN and HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE and the Unification of the mighty Nations/Kingdoms which have been Divided but will be United for a short time under UNITED NATIONS/KINGDOMS.

The ROMAN & HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE is represented by IRON/CLAY and the BEASTS in DANIEL 2 & 7 and in REVELATION the BEAST of SEVEN HEADS which is the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE which has since it's establishment adopted the teachings of all religions from BABYLON Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz, EGYPT Osiris, Isis, Horus to MEDO-PERSIA Mythraism, GRECO Zeus and Dyonisus, to ROME and all the pantheon of gods which are all the same BABYLON MYSTERY RELIGION only dressed under a different names. All KINGSOMS and RELIGIOUS SYSTEMS described in the Bible in DANIEL and REVELATION using an IMAGE of METALS and Beasts. And in the LAST and FINAL KINGDOM of ANTICHRIST the PONTIFEX MAXIMUS from CAESAR to the PAPACY. Under the PAPACY/HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE all the Disciplines of the MYSTERY RELIGIONS from all the AGES and KINGDOMS come together to make the 7 Headed Beast of REVELATION 13 & 17.

EVERYONE MUST READ 2 ESDRAS of the APOCRYPHAL which describes this ROMAN BEAST SYSTEM and all Her KINGDOMS in form of an EAGLE such as the SUPERPOWERS of UNITED STATES of AMERICA and the GERMAN RISE of HITLER and history proves the true witness and validity of this power 2 ESDRAS book of PROPHECY. It has only been by ROMAN power and DECEPTION of JESUITISM COUNTER-REFORMATION that they have led the true student and believer of the BIBLE not to believe in the BIBLE alone and the plain message and revelation therein and the powerful revelations found in EXTRA-BIBLICAL BOOKS such as BOOK of ENOCH, BOOK of JASHER, BOOK of JUBILEES and 2 ESDRAS to name a FEW.

This LAST DAYS ECUMENICAL MOVEMENT LED BY ANTICHRIST/PAPAL ROME is NOTHING NEW. It was done when the establishment of the PAPACY was complete. In order to confiscate and centralize all power they had to usurp the true Messianic/Christian Revolution of YAHshuah Messiah so-called Jesus Christ and thus creating a ROMAN IRON GRIP MONOPOLY which held the LIGHT of the WORLD/BIBLE/TRUTH CAPTIVE until the GREAT PROTESTANT REVOLUTION of the 1500s.

Ever since the BIBLE was snatched from the IRON GRIP of ROME an all out WAR-CRUSADE by the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE was unleashed via the MILITARY JESUIT ORDER known as the COUNTER-REFORMATION in order to SEIZE CONTROL of the BIBLE and destroy all "heretics" and "infidels" and their belief in SOLA SCRIPTURA which is belief in the BIBLE ALONE not man or any so-called god such as the POPE in ROME. BIBLES and the belief of itteachings and NOW they are doing it all over AGAIN.

Now again under ECUMENICAL MOVEMENT ROME who had received a Mortal Wound REV 13 is RESURRECTING her ROMAN ONE WORLD ORDER which was done when the PAPACY was established. The PAPACY in ROME and all the initiates/insiders have always worshiped LUCIFER and thus the 7 HEADED BEAST/MONSTER headquarters is in VATICAN ROME... and all the SECRET TEACHINGS, DOCTRINES and DISCIPLINES of all the AGES and KINGDOMS of the GREAT MYSTERY RELIGION of BABYLON are in the POSSESSION of ROME with all her INITIATES who worship LUCIFER who are in the INSIDE CIRCLE/ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE of things. To the GOYIM/PROFANE/OUTSIDERS which is we the people, the common folk and working class they present a different Gospel... a DISTORTED and PERVERTED FALSE GOSPEL which is EMPTY and VAIN! NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN!!!

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