3 months ago

The lyrics are all mine.
The images were generated using
The voice and music were generated using

Find my entire book of rap here:

Here are the original posts, from 2016:



A hijab's like if hair were a fashion accessory/
Beauty shines through it so it's frankly unnecessary/
Your breaths are all-consuming so they'll never be sedentary/

Cloak, shade, veil, cape/
Catch me at the base of a cliff. My bungee cord was your shawl: I'm saved;
unwrapped like my rap is written on the underside of some wrapping paper, like a fresh date that's unsaved/
I'm totally free today/
Work hard, make your body hard through play, wrap it up, then get laid, then can you see what I say?/
Save me with your hijab by flagging this page and making me famous/
My name's Content. I'm not content to be nameless/
Searching for a savior, my behavior may breed discord, but it's the wish for your kiss that's the gist of the bridge I live for: soft-core, let it break, and me with it; fall onto the shore that's your tongue like rain pours, nose-first, coz I'm into this more than your hair but I care for it all/
Don't cover your mouth, though, leave it open like a door/
Exhale like I'm a bore and you've gotta yawn/
Take me on a tour of your contours: cue forbidden fondling, walls taken down, and not coz of war/
Fuck barriers! Fresh breath's a disease. Instead, be a dirty carrier/
If your head's a niqab, let your mouth make it a hijab, as you use your wit to gab/
Open up to me like I've written you lines to recite as you play a window into your mind, and my line of sight's fireflies/
Let me see the thin glow in your eyes and if you won't can you move into mine?/
Move closer to prove that you're a sight for sore eyes: wrap mine up in your eyes, a sweaty hijab the sticky bit of a wide Band-Aid I long to try/
Hey Matangi, catch me in a forest/
I'll be a channel for when you wanna rest/
You, as a goddess florist,
went nuts and picked a bunch/
These trees are nuts!/
You picked ones in India, and indeed I'm lost in the bigger bunch (Van Vihar National Park)/
Give true naturalization a jump-start/
Throw me at bridesmaids
who desire fame
but who try to hide sweat stains/
Like they're a forest making one plain. What a shame; pain!/
I just wanna see the trees and feel the rain when the wooden wood's the fashion and barriers and stashed cash are like ash, so I'm ashen,
but wanna feel unabashed, crashin' in your pants as you pant, or under your arms as you grab any said stems/
Your breath's an opium den/
I want you to be smoky on the nose for me and me to be on the nose OF you/
I wanna smell you soon. I smell too few honeys, like a bee whom humans use/
I never get to really be naturally introduced to a chick who's a muse,
coz usually she uses perfume like shoes/
If you do, do walk all over me like I'm a suit in a living lounge room, and towel too/
Wear me while you work out. Work out aloud too even if not allowed to/
I'm a hedonist for feminists, and proud to be one too/
I'm ready to take on Ronda Rousey now too. I'll lose to get off. Will she come around to my point of view come round two?/
I already feel the Bern/
I'll come to; come too/


- Andy Grammer "Fresh Eyes" (2016, July 28)

- M.I.A. - "Bad Girls" (Official Video) (2012, February 2)

- Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out (2004)

- Protests against mixed-faith weddings at Britain’s Sikh temples (2016, December 28)

- Quartz (India)
India plans to spend $6 billion on creating new forests (2016, May 5)

- Ronda Rousey talks UFC 193, doping and Bernie Sanders (2015, November 13)

- Ronda Rousey's Presidential Endorsement (2015, November 11)

- DNA (Daily News and Analysis) (2011, June 4)
What is a forest? India yet to define it

- #FeelTheBern


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