Baroness D'Souza Warns of CCP’s Push for IoT Poses Serious Threat to UK Security

2 months ago

12/20/2024 Baroness D'Souza, Former Lord Speaker: China's push for a global monopoly in electronic communications tech, controlling 70% of cellular modules of IoT. This poses a serious threat to the UK's infrastructure and defence systems and is an urgent issue that needs to be addressed.
#IoT #cellularmodule #UK #monopoly #electroniccommunications #infrastructure #CCP #UKDefence
12/20/2024 前英国上议院议长迪苏莎女男爵:中共国正致力于实现对全球电子通信技术的垄断,他们控制了全球70%的物联网蜂窝模块。这对英国的基础设施和国防系统构成严重威胁,是一个亟待解决的问题。
#物联网 #蜂窝模块 #英国 #垄断 #电子通信 #基础设施 #中共 #英国国防

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