Covid-19 Vaccines White Clots Results - 2024

1 month ago

Covid-19 Vaccines White Clots Results - 2024

Dec. 21, 2024


Dr. John Campbell

Medical Embalmers Across The Country

Former Air Force Major Thomas Haviland surveyed embalmers in 2024 about unusual clots being found in the bodies of vaccinated deceased.

NEW YORK - I've seen the clots vary from case to case, since the covid shot came around, we have had many young* deaths i.e.: 50-60 year-olds with massive heart attacks and every one of them has had clots as discussed in this survey, seems many people just want to turn a blind eye to it all, it's a shame. As someone who's been around this for about 12 years, I have never seen anything like this.

VIRGINIA - I'm finding a lot of the white rubbery clots and had been taking pictures of them but it's become the new normal… I don't use a drain tube anymore because of all the clots. blood clots and the fibrous white ones. My angular forceps is my to go instrument to help remove them…

OHIO - The past few years I have seen a significantly larger percentage of clotting in almost all embalmings. These white fibrous clots are definitely unusual having never seen them before 2021. Although not seeing the white fibrous clots or micro clotting in a larger percentage of deceased, the number of grape jelly clots has significantly increased from years past in all decedents.

IDAHO - Sometimes I am given the information about if someone has had a certain vaccine. Sometimes I am aware they have had 5-6 doses of it. These are the people we are seeing with the abnormal clots or significant amount of clots.

FLORIDA - With many embalmings that I have seen these clots in, I have had to inject in multiple points. Both with case's refrigerated and prep done within a couple of hours after death.

FLORIDA - Seems like traditional "chicken fat clots" are less frequent being replaced with Jelly, Fibrous, Micro-clotting.

IOWA - Very thick and large, I have had some the whole diameter of the arteries and longer than a foot long.

LOUISIANA - Some of these fibrous blots come out as a whole, if done carefully, that mimic the arterial system. These clots are clearly the cause of demise of these decedents, but were legally labeled as heart issues, which are not typically autopsied to fully determine actual cause of death.

NORTH DAKOTA - I have had SEVERAL cases in 2020-2023 of the white fibrous clots and most had COVID listed as a factor on their death certificates. However, in each case the family did not know if the decedent was vaccinated.

FLORIDA - Unusual clots has changed since COVID vaccine I only took 2 vaccine Pfizer refuse to take booster nor vaccine again.

Exclusive: 70% of Embalmers Report Finding Strange Blood Clots Beginning in Mid-2021

Covid Vaccine Injury Global Study:

Covid vaccine injury medical expense fund:






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