Battles Of The American Civil War | Ep. 146 | THE WAR IS OVER!

2 months ago

THE WAR IS OVER! That's right, we have reached the end of the bloodiest war on American soil. We start off the episode with the battle of Columbus, GA on April 16th, 1865, where Wilson's Raid comes to an end. Some historians have argued that this battle was the actual last battle of the war instead of the widely accepted battle of Palmito Ranch.

Next up is the small battle of Anderson, SC on May 1st. The Union troops arrived in Anderson to look for the fleeing Jefferson Davis, when he was not located they looted the city.

May 12th-13th, The Battle Of Palmito Ranch, the OFFICIAL last battle of the war. This battle basically took place because of a young Union Colonel hoping to make a name for himself and move up in rank according to some historians. A pointless battle, which some consider a post war action, it nevertheless was the last battle of the war. THE WAR IS OVER.

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