The Birth Of The Divine Child #saviorisborn #savioroftheworld #saviourborn #christmas #jesusborn

2 months ago

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Images are Copyrighted by Audrey Halls
Music and Lyrics Copyrighted by and licensed to Audrey Halls

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Upon the clouds of silver light
A child was born in purest sight
With eyes that shone like crystal stars
A heartbeat strong that healed our scars

[Verse 2]
In whispers soft the angels sing
The glory of this newborn king
With wings outstretched they gently glide
To cradle him by heavens' tide

O child of light divine and pure
Your presence makes our spirits sure
In darkest night you bring the dawn
With every breath our faith reborn

[Verse 3]
The skies rejoiced with colors bright
As moon and sun embraced the night
The earth below in hushed accord
Bowed humbly to this chosen lord

[Verse 4]
From east to west the winds did call
Oh come ye nations great and small
To witness miracles unfold
A prophecy in acts retold

O child of light divine and pure
Your presence makes our spirits sure
In darkest night you bring the dawn
With every breath our faith reborn

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