In The Twinkling Of An Eye: The Great Vanishing

2 months ago

The Rapture is absolutely, definitely, positively going to happen before the Tribulation begins. Therefore, Christians don’t have to worry about the terrible things John the Beloved Apostle was shown that are going to happen. Nope! Nope! Nope!

Oh, okay. Then the Bible must say it will absolutely, definitely, positively happen at the Mid Point of that terrible time right before the Great Tribulation begins. Nope! Nope! Nope!

Uh, I’m confused. When is it going to happen then? Now, that is the question. Isn’t it?

A VOICE CRYING IN THE DESERT Missions Outreach Ministry Presents:


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Gone In A Twinkle: The Great Vanishing

A clear and in context reading of the New Testament shows us two things that cannot be disputed, even though many so-called Preachers and Bible Scholars try to argue otherwise. The word “Rapture” is never used. And we are never told exactly when it will happen. What? But, I thought…


All of the arguments we focus on are completely irrelevant and pointless. All we need to know is that Paul told the Corinthians we would be caught up to Heaven in the Twinkling of an Eye. That is our Hope and our Promise. If our bodies fall asleep here on Earth, then one day very soon we will be caught up to meet Jesus in the air. And if we are blessed to remain alive until that moment, in less than a twinkling of an eye we too will rise to meet Jesus in the air. But only if we have had a True Relationship With Him. Only if we are truly part of the Family of God.

Join Conversations With The Evangelist as we see that while things are getting really bad here on Earth, and are only going to get worse, we still have Hope. We have Hope of being with Jesus in Paradise for all Eternity. Those who do not yet know Jesus personally should ignore all the Religion around them and instead trust in Him. Those who do have a personal relationship with the Lion of Judah must stand strong in their Faith on the Solid Rock of Jesus. Doing so is the only way to meet Him in the Air.

Contact James Carter for how to support our Outreach Missions Work.

You are invited to join our family on Christmas Eve to hear the True Christmas Story. “Unto You A Savior Is Born”. At 5:30 on Christmas Eve our family will continue a long-standing Tradition and this year we will share it with you Live. We will not be reading “The Night Before Christmas”. No, we will be reading to you of how God sent His Only Son to be born as a man in order to save you. That is how much He Loves you personally. So, join us to read Matthew, Luke, and John as they tell us the True Story of Christmas.

#Rapture, #Tribulation, #GreatTribulation, #PreTrib, #MidTrib, #PostTrib, #EndTimesProphecy, #SecondComing, #Apocalypse, #HeavenlyAscencion, #Twinkleofaneye, #JesusReturn, #faith, #faithintroubledtimes, #Onlinesermon, #outreach, #evangelism, #evangelist, #Missions, #missionaries, #spreadHisLove, #faithjourney

Please share and invite others to come join the Conversation. Please pray about joining A Voice Crying In The Desert as we Walk Into The Unknown, set off on a Faith Journey not knowing how we can possibly succeed or where the final destination lies.

Please join us in praying for and support this Outreach as we move forward with what God has called us to. Traveling as He leads to do in-person Outreach and share His Love with those who need it the most as well as ministering and sharing online as God opens doors. To do this, we need regular support and for churches across the country to come alongside as missions partners.

Let’s be friends. Please subscribe and follow us across Social Media.

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A Voice Crying In The Desert is a Faith-based Missions Outreach Ministry that is not affiliated with any church or denomination, although we are willing to work with any church or denomination that will work with us. We are trusting God to provide for us financially and to send in workers. If you feel led by the Holy Spirit to help us fulfill our vision with a financial donation, you can send it to James Carter through VENMO: James-Carter-1054 or CashApp: $jjcarter7136. Or contact James Carter for information on how to mail a donation to us.

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