Time Magazine, Calendar, Capitalism, Swords, Planet, Au Roll out - Got TRUST again! 18 December

1 month ago

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202400:00 - Intro
03:15 - TIME magazine. I think they are dropping clues all the time... Believe it or not it is a wonderful time! It is about honesty, integrity and they are changing our word for the better (the right time or we wil know in time)... I think they are telling you via the magazine giving clues with 7 of cups.
08:49 - The Calendar is wrong! Look at the 4 of wands they are wearing clothes like from the Roman Times! Julian Calendar? I think they might change the calendar back....maybe we get reveals after our current calendar dates. Will it happen in the holidays? justice happening people being held to account.
11:15 - Free Market Capitalism video on Richard Vobes Channel. Maybe they want to use power to control us all. I checked this again the following day and straight away got Justice with the 5 of swords I think that hopefully Justice happens and then I had we will be feeling more comfotable in the future, a celebration, being patient. I also got PROTECTION card and HOME card and POSITIVE and GOALS
16:50 - Universal Credit and Attendance Allowances... they are saying they are checking their banks because to make sure they get the right amounts and also for money l a u n d e r i n g purposes, but as if that is to do with the elderly, it's more about controlling your money. I read on this again the following day. I got Queen of Swords, she calls people to Justice, patience, Sun, Page of swords there might be information on this in the future. Then I got the Card POSITIVE.
20:49 - Professor Dalgelish. re : Swords. SV 4 0.
24:00 - Roll out for children in AU. I feel the cards are saying TRUST they are making winning victories every day.The World is a completion. I think we cannot see the whole picture because of what we are being told in the media. (8 of swords). I do believe with 2 of wands and 7 of wands that they are keeping us as safe as they can. (white hats) I asked on this again the next day and got a solider card and I think that will end it.
27:30 - Our Planet having help that Kris did. 6 of swords and page of swords is our planet is based on lies basically and information you source, could be lies, mistruths or hidden information of the truth. They shut down any information they don't want us to know. I feel like so much is hidden from us, and it's the exact oppostie they have not been kind or compasionate to us! But they are taking back our planet with strength... we have a lot of learn still, the Tower is things about to come to an explosive point and it could be tumulturous behind the scenes things b l o w i n g up literally! Our Planet is winning back victories! 6 of wands! The Military have been trying to be strategic on the side, a lot of secrets behind the scenes helping the planet before it changed forever... in the nick of time. There have been risks with the Fool card. There is so much hidden information we are not being told about and behind the scenes they are shutting things down. Its' not been easy but they are making great gains for the good of humanity and people are leaving. 6 of swords is clarity and ferrying people.. Tower is a lot of shocks along the way. TRUST. Ask for Help. Maybe they got for help for the planet!

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